Event michigan youth basketball tournaments boys girls

Summer Finale Ballin @ LEGACY 3V3 TOURNAMENT - Sunday, August 10th

Summer Finale Ballin @ LEGACY 3V3 TOURNAMENT - Sunday, August 10th

Aug 10, 2025
Brighton (MI)  Brighton (MI) 
Boys & Girls



Summer Finale Ballin @ Legacy 3v3 Tournament

Please register under the grade the players are going into.

Schedule will be done Thursday, August 7th in the afternoon.

Registration closes the morning of August 7th.

Multiple team discount - teams from the same club or school program - Cost $195 a team

Live Streaming with LIVEBARN! Athletic Trainer on Site!

Officiated 3v3 Basketball! Each game will have 1 official

Please register in grade of oldest player. Please register for the grade players are entering

4 Games Guaranteed / 1st Place Trophy & Medals / Max game time: 25 minutes / First team to 21 - win by 2 / Rosters; Minimum 3 players; Max 5 players

Admissions - Adults $10 - Seniors (65 or older) $5 Children 8 and under are FREE.

Boys & Girls: 12th, 11th, 10th, 9th, 8th, 7th, 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd

Please provide this to your parents to complete prior to competing. This roster & waiver form is good from November 5th, 2022, to August 13th, 2023 - 3vs3 - Legacy Basketball Roster Form 22 - 23 (google.com)


3v3 Courts #1

9299 Goble Drive, Brighton, Michigan 48116
1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B