Legacy National Championship
Legacy National Championship
Legacy National Championship
Open to all teams!
FREE TO DIVISION WINNERS from past 2024 events! Divisions winners please register with your promo code provided by Dan Nealy or select pay later option and you can send your $100 deposit via Venmo to @Legacy-Center.
No longer playing games on Friday, July 19th.
Live streamed games with LiveBarn! * Athletic Trainer on site
Trophies & Medals for 1st and 2nd place finishers * Running clock event.
Boys & Girls: 12th, 11th, 10th, 9th, 8th, 7th, 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd
Division 1 (A skill level) - Division 2 (B & C skill level) - Multiple Divisions (If the number of teams allows)
Cost - 1 team $350, 2 teams $330 each, 3 teams or more $300 each.
3 games guaranteed.
Admission: - Weekend Pass: $25 or $15 a Day - Seniors (65 years or older): $10a a Day - Students: $5 a Day - 8 and Under: Free
Each team is given three (3) complimentary entries for coaching staff and scorekeepers. Wristbands need to be worn for the duration of the event. Admission WILL NOT BE allowed without a wristband.
Rockey Black - rblack@legacycentermichigan.com / 734-334-6972
Tyrone Hicks - thicks@legacycentermichigan.com / 734-747-1232
Scheduling and Admin: Dan Nealy - dnealy@legacycentermichigan.com / 517-937-9408
Sportsmanship from parents, coaches, and players is expected.
The Legacy Center basketball arena will feature 8 hardwood floors, quality officials, and expansive seating for fans. Awards will be given to first and second-place teams.
Roster & Waiver Form - Please have your parents fill out the Roster & Waiver form. This is good from October 30th, 2023 - August 31st, 2024.
Legacy Basketball Individual Roster/Waiver Form 23 - 24 - Google Forms
Legacy Center Sports Complex (1-8)
9299 Goble Drive, Brighton, Michigan 48116
Court 1, Court 2, Court 3, Court 4, Court 5, Court 6, Court 7, Court 8